Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.16c] [Zetan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I've played it. The perfect VN. It's perfect. It's hard to even think about it without getting emotional, just because it elevates the format to art. This is art. Were it a mainstream game, it would be a $60 GOTY contender. I would recommend supporting ZetanDS with money, but maybe consider sending your beautiful niece instead.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Will There is a lot of sex scene in it

    Story I won't give it stars because there is Egypt queen and there is Cars ? how does that work No clue There is Old Cloth looking but also new style how that works still No clue There is People Who eat other people And they are not the bad people how that
    Work no Clue simple

    MC Character
    Bald Guy with Action and No Fear Or Fair He Got his D;) to do what He Wants and He Got his Wife Piece of Meat if he wants to take that road share or no share all that Makes him Less and Less the good Guy even if we want him to be
    so there is my review so far i didn't play the whole game I just Got 6 girls in so far and I feel like Does this Girls Feel Jealousy at all ? like are you even human feels Like it's all in his head or something
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a game I would normally skip. It has incest, a harem and it's sandbox. For me, this is like the Bermuda Triangle... just a disaster waiting to happen, but for some reason, I enjoyed this game.

    The dev does a nice job making the incest a normal part of this world so it doesn't seem out of place. This is true of the harem situation. The story and setting do a nice job of making these taboo things still feel taboo but not too taboo (if that makes any sense). The bottom line for me is it helped me deal with the scenes and not be too uncomfortable with the whole thing.

    The best part of this is the story telling. It grabs you and keeps you interested in learning more about this world and what is going on in it. There are some issues... and mainly it's the sandbox element. There are only a few games where Sandbox combined with a VN seems to work. Most of the time, it doesn't and this is one of those times. Playing it makes the story disjointed and you jump around either playing an entire storyline or breaking it up, making everything confusing. Just because you add the sandbox elements, does not automatically mean it's a game.

    Regardless, it is a fun story with some beautiful women. Download it and give it a try.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Like the same style Mad Max universe.

    But OMG Zahra she's too hot more than her daughter for me

    How it's possible this game is in Fifth position :x

    Must be as Being a Dil at first ex æquo !!!! not same universe but excellent story graphism etc...
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is amazing as far as graphic novels novels this is the deepest the sauciest it has some of the best 3d ive ever seen in this jonra and the best lots of buggery i love the queen many of the characters are great and im going to enjoy having a second playthrough.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a top tier game the balance of story and sexy content is well balanced I don't understand why its not spoken about on forums on one hand I wish I had found it sooner on the other hand the wait for updates is going to be painful. 10/10 up to this point!

    -Great story
    -Great Renders
    -Love the format
    -Aesthetics of the locations and the general atmosphere match the tone of the story
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent graphics, nice sound design, interesting world, better than average story.

    It also hits on several on my fetishes like pregnancy, incest and extreme maledom.
    It also doesn't scare away from potraying gore or rape.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Sorry that this is not very descriptive, but this game is fucking fantastic. Play it. You will not regret it. I promise. It is quite literally perfect for any fans who prefer a little more roughness. That is not to say, though, there there is no vanilla sex in this game. There is plenty. You have the option to skip any scene and usually there is a gentle and rough version of every scene. There are plenty of scenes, and there is a fantastic balance between too little and too many. In all seriousness, please play this game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed against 0.14d.

    All in all a brilliant game. If anything it's actually so good that the very reason it exists is kind of holding it back. There's times I'd rather the plot be progressed and it seems it takes a wee intermission to throw in a smut scene. Like watching the MC getting ANOTHER blowjob of a character, yeah sure it's fun and all but like... can we talk about the storms maybe? Or the mutants? The game feels like it's constrained by expectation and hits a problem a few great porn games ultimately hit; a top tier game will have both story and smut but at what point does one get in the way of the other? I kinda would like to see the stalker be expanded upon. It seems the one time you actually get to properly see what a stalker does it's not even you who's in the scene but another character. I think the game would benefit from seeing the MC actually put a shift in. To justify why he's in the position he's in. Or show other stalkers as a reference. Small things.

    The story is incredibly rich but it, with one huge exception later on, doesn't info dump on you. Things are explained but there's little hand holding to lay it on thick. The situation you find yourself in will get referenced but the game doesn't stop to explain everything about it. It treats you like you belong in the game, no need to explain in any great detail the political setup of the city you live in, everyone knows that etc.

    The game has a multi-quest set up which allows you to pull at any number of strings at your leisure and more often than not it leads to someone getting dicked. I've seen references to multiple choices but on my one playthrough I never really noticed anything glaringly out there. I saw reference to a hive so I think I understand where some of the choices I made had an impact but I certainly don't feel like I missed out by going A over B. And I don't think it's worth playing through another game just to see it. Maybe a gallery or the like would be beneficial here to allow you to see different paths.

    Beyond that it's very playable. I found the videos to be somewhat janky at times and the use of cutscenes sometimes feels a bit weird as it slows the pacing down, I'm guessing to ramp up the ambiance, but apart from that it's a good wish fulfilment game. You've got the golden dick, women want it etc etc.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story, beautiful visuals and very atmospheric. The game is set in a dystopian future where the MC is a desert stalker - an elite fighter who investigates mysterious zones with what seems to have paranormal activity, hunts for treasure and occasionally helps the queen of the kingdom her resides in.

    The worldbuilding is fantastic and I really like the different factions/groups. The renders are beautiful and the quests are interesting. I specifically enjoyed the quests involving the one of the MC's daughters and heir becoming a stalker - the quest did a great job showcasing the mysterious zones and had some of the best horror segments I have played in an adult game (although it was extremely short).

    Most of what I dislike are centered around the sex scenes - I feel like many of the sex scenes felt a bit too short compared to a lot of the other top games in this website. I also felt that a sharing scene with the MC's wife and daughter felt a bit forced - I dont have a problem with sharing/ntr however for a game with this quality, I expect it to make sense in the context of the world. The MC can be brutal and ruthless but he is a loving father and a loving husband. While it makes sense for him to share his servants, to me it did not make sense to share his reluctant daughter or his wife. I would have preferred to have a quest/set of quests where the MC becomes either more depraved or stops caring for his wife/daughters before sharing them. But despite it feeling a bit forced to me, it did not feel too out of place as the game does a decent enough job trying to sell the player on the idea that such events are commonplace in this world.

    Other than the small nitpicks above, this is a great game and a 5/5 for me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed v0.14d]

    This game is quite special -- great premise and story, tons of H-scenes with animations, hours of content and regular updates. If you like family harem games with sci-fi / fantasy settings, this is close to perfect.

    The Good ((y))
    • A diversity of girls with different personalities and body types (though "curvy" is definitely a prominent theme)
    • Well-done renders and environments, with some unique settings
    • Great, varied animation
    • Well-crafted story content -- there are times when the narrative storytelling is better than the game elements
    • A harem game that makes sense within the story
    • Nice score / sound design (not the same songs on repeat)
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • A bit of a cliche "MC is the savior and everyone is in love with him" setup, but this is part of the narrative so it is more forgivable
    • Given the Middle Eastern setting and family elements, most of the female characters have similar features -- dark hair / eyes and darker skin (I love it but may not be for everyone)
    • Some updates are lighter than others with H-scene content and are more focused on progressing the story
    This game has become one of the steadiest, most enjoyable titles on the entire platform. Keep it up, Zetan!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A dreamy, loving wife that grooms more female subjects for our pleasure, a world that enables those who posses strength to thrive in social taboos. A queen that is not a genetic defect and is actually desirable. Daughters that are loyal and willing to serve their household by any means necessary...

    What more could a man ask for? (There's always something else to desire, I know <3)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best adult games I've ever played. The author FEELS what you need and deliver.

    Although I'm not objective bc I have pretty high compatibility with the author's fetishes, but even without that, the game is solid.

    The things that melted my frozen heart:
    • Family and incest are integrated into the story and don't look like typical staff "what if my neighbors will know that I fuck my sister oh no". No, here the relationship inside your family has a cozy warm feeling. You all live like family (and fuck like one). Family members love and serve each other.
    • The protagonist feels like a real person and not like a story function, he is powerful and manly but still cares about his closest people.
    • Women are submissive but still have characters and soul. It's actually pretty hard to write a submissive woman not as a doll in your story. This game is a great example of how it should be done.
    • 3d models are sexy and inviting, but not stupid instagram-hot like in many games these days.
    • Each sex scene is unique and well-integrated into the story. You can feel emotions through these scenes and connect with the characters.
    • I'm really excited about the upcoming pregnant staff, there are already some in this game (hive queen and the latest scene with kat), but I hope the author will explore this theme in more colors :3
    • The feeling of a cozy home versus a dangerous outside world is always getting me. I liked that in M**T and here it's even better.

    What could be done better:
    • More interaction in the house without our protagonist. I really liked the dynamic between Ain and Emilia and I want more scenes of how girls interact with each other (not necessarily ecchi scenes).
    • The video quality is meh, I can understand the desire to make the game smaller, but it's not even clean 1080p. I hope the author has the ability to rerender scenes in the future with better quality. Bc game outside of cutscenes is beautiful.

    I advise everyone who is positively shocked by this game to subscribe to zetan's patreon/ss and support him. People with such talent and fetishes should be rewarded!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Game have very nice graphics.
    Characters looks interesting, girls are beautiful.
    Story quite good and protagonist is interesting, but I'm not used to some possible choices like sharing thou I find them interesting.
    It's quite interesting that I can't say which choice is right just from dialog and which effect it will in future
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Just one word: Excellent!

    The story, the world building, the characters.. Everything is excellent. I especially love the complexity of a realistic dystopian world being presented through the MC. It makes the experience thoroughly enjoyable.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is Great, the worldview is built up well, and you can easily immerse in this wasteland world.

    Sex scenes are really delicate, and the fetish in the game is just right at the point. One of the NSFW games you have to try.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow start but loving the story and characters build up. It nice to have a game with 'proper' story line instead of those regurgitated college ones

    Just hope the updates are much quicker and hopefully will be completed eventually. Great work!
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Story-wise, the game manages to hold my interest, though just barely. It features a variety of attractive characters, with a hefty 90% of them being love interests (LI). The gameplay moves swiftly when interacting with these women, but the overarching narrative hasn't quite hooked me yet. One intriguing aspect is a mysterious subplot involving one of the girls—I can't recall her name at the moment.

    As for the writing, it often feels awkward. Even when it tries to sound more natural, it comes off as bland. I suspect it's a result of mediocre translation that could benefit from more than just spellchecking—some thorough proofreading wouldn't hurt. On the bright side, it does have its moments of humor that genuinely made me laugh, though at times I wonder if using an AI might have been a better choice for the writing.

    Moving on to the renders, they're a mixed bag. Some are quite good, while others fall short. Overall, the quality is decent, though you might need to squint occasionally to appreciate it fully.

    Gameplay-wise, it's your typical visual novel—nothing groundbreaking, but not terrible either. It's what you'd expect if you've played similar games before. I'd recommend this game to anyone who has some spare time on their hands and enjoys this genre.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Went in with low expectations, but wow, this game feels right at home. Love the semi-arabic(?) setting and the freedom. What i like the most, is that the author is not playing it safe at all, there are options, incest, sharing, gore, and while the latter is surely not my cup of tea, it doesnt feel forced and fits in the theme. The main character has maximum authority, basically untouchable, no bs you can do literally anything that fits in your moral codex without giving a fuck about law, order or consequences, and in a game that expects the player to be having 0 morals, it is always great fun to be the goody two shoes.
    Aside from this, i really really love the whole dynamic between the Queen and the stalker, it is so finely crafted, extremely rare to see something like this to such a deep extent.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders and an interesting dystopian setting. First dystopian vn i have experienced. The character models are beautiful especially for the neighbors ward. Certain outworld elements are interesting enough for me to comeback.