Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.16c] [Zetan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just wow.. It has all. Beautiful female characters although main male lead himself looks weird but wont get to see much of him so all left to imagination. Story is engaging for this sorta game. One of the best games so far. deserves more praise.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    godlike game

    quite unique. you are a badass with already a harem (wife, daughter, servants depending on choices)

    models are insanely hot. best renders ive ever seen maybe.

    very erotic and kinda unique scenarios. the world is like fallout-like wasteland, maybe a bit more dark. but you are a badass so nothing to worry about.

    it has sharing (avoidable) multiple times, it's insanely hot. due to many reasons, hot models unique world, alive/believable and somewhat unique characters. plus it's done a bit uniquely too, not like in any other game i played

    ive been pushing this game for a while and only tried due to ratings... well ratings dont lie here this is a supergem

    english is perfect. no mistakes, perfectly understandable, not overly complicated, just enough text for every scenario.

    lots of sex. kinda sandbox but the story is more linear. although you have many choices and all the time the dialogue feels a bit unique even if most choices dont have big consequences (but there are some that do) making you wanna try all possible choices all the time for the flavor of text

    i coud go on and on praising this but just play it it's awesome
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    [Original review was after playing v 0.13. Played v 0.16 and same opinion.]

    This is likely one of the best games here, in every aspect. Storywise, it has a promosing start, characters feel deep enough, interesting. About the gameplay it's a sandbox that doesn't include boring grinding (and I'm not totally against it, but certainly against some that artificially make it too much, but this one has not at all and feels nice), everything is done in a way that seems fluent and natural. About graphics they're awesome too, character design, scenarios... Sex is great, sometimes scenes feel a bit short but not a big deal, and at first it seems the amount of scenes (in number, though not duration) is too much, but that's probably to hook players, and soon you find yourself also reading long interesting dialogues or playing through frightening dark sequences, it becomes more balanced after a while.

    It also has some interesting aspects: the game has very very graphic violence (but it allows you to easily avoid it if it is too much for you (haven't tried it but I assume it works properly). Same about NTR, it allows you to completely avoid it or to manage exactly when you want it or not (if for example you only want to avoid it for LI characters but don't mind at a certain moment about a random in the street, or you are fine with let's say share your daughter but your wife is off-limits, so you're not forced to be full no NTR or full NTR).

    I just hope it keeps building on that, if it begins like this and gets better we could be talking about the greatest of all time, as long as you are interested in a dark and even scary game and you're ok mixing sex and violence at this level. In my opinion it's like the quality development of DIK, but doing it for a completely different kind of story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Desert Stalker's world-building, story, and characters are 10 out of 10. The world is highly detailed, with most of the lore coming from great scenes and dialogues while rarely giving the player long-winded stories. All the characters have decisive personalities which seemly shows the player more about the world's culture and makes the flow of story plots very smooth. Since the world-building is so great, all the many sex scenes feel natural within the given context and help make the world feel alive. Even without the porn the story alone is a 10 out of 10.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    tom riddle

    I don't really leave views... and I really don't like futuristic settings inn general, be it game or movies... But this game work, the story is building to something. The side characters is actually interesting for the most part. and the graphic quality is up at the top compared to other games on this site.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    This one was a pleasant surprise to me.

    Pretty fascinating storyline, always liked dystopian settings with a bit of fantasy to it.

    But man the renders are so beautiful. One of the very best among any game. It takes a while to develop, but it is totally worth it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr. Ronald Leopold

    Version 0.13c

    This game has so much potential.

    Typically in my reviews, there's never this category because there's never much to say. But in Desert Stalker, there's quite a bit to talk about.
    You'll find yourself in a post-apocalyptic Egypt reminiscent of Mad-Max, with different factions acting in their own ways. There are dangerous raiders, many locations have lore descriptions that can be read in the protagonist's library. You'll witness acts of cannibalism, mutilations, dark places with mysterious presences - essentially, from time to time, you'll be reminded that you're living in a world abandoned by God. (In a couple of parts of the game, I experienced deep anxiety)
    All of this is accompanied by thematically fitting music.

    You are a stalker, a skilled guy, and your abilities will be in demand by various factions in the game world.
    There isn't a precise storyline yet; there are multiple paths to follow, but everything is still quite raw. Despite the game not being very short, there won't be events that drastically change the game world, but all the plots can be very interesting.
    Choices in this game could make a difference, at least narratively, and that's something to appreciate compared to the usual Visual Novels where not even the next dialogue line is changed.
    Oh, you'll also have the option to follow the story of the protagonist's daughter; I absolutely recommend doing it.
    I enjoyed following the story; it's currently consistent, entertaining, and well-thought-out.

    There are various characters, not too many for now, but almost all of them are quite well-developed, and I'm not just saying that. With multiple characters, they engage in dialogues of a higher level than a simple "snu snu".
    Aesthetically, they are all very well done, from older women to younger ones, all diversified enough so they don't look like copies of each other.
    The only ones I didn't like were the mutants, but they were probably intentionally made to look more grotesque.
    Perhaps the elven race characters have faces that are too similar, but even here, it might have been intentionally designed that way.
    (Idk why there's no milf tag, there are a couple of milf, we deserve more milf)

    There isn't a real gameplay; there's a part where you have to make choices within a certain time frame, that's it.
    It's not worth evaluating this aspect for now, but perhaps it will be developed further in the future.

    Perfect, it complements the atmosphere very well, with well-chosen tracks even in the most thrilling moments.

    I saved this point for last. Unfortunately, here is where the game falls short. The rendering is generally good, but the animations are not mediocre; they are below average. Some are too static, and you can feel the stiffness of the bodies. Others are overly simple, where it seems like only the camera and the penis are moved, and in certain parts, they are just still images without any animation. There is a lack of different angles, and it would be beneficial to have the option to replay the scene before moving on. It's a real shame because the author doesn't seem like an average developer; He know what it is doing, creating a hot atmosphere and playing with foreplay and dialogues.

    For evaluating animations, I usually use a simple scale (adding or decreasing the score based on other elements):

    * - no animation, just photos.
    ** - sparse animations, repeated frames.
    *** - default Koikatsu and Honey Select animations, mediocre.
    **** - slightly better animations, where the bodies start to appear somewhat more lively.
    ***** - top-tier animations. (Very rare)

    Unfortunately, here we are at the two-star level. I know that making animations with Daz 3D can be a pain in the ass, which is why I've started avoiding games made like this, but here, it's just a disappointment. A couple of scenes stand out and are salvageable.


    Advice to the developer:
    Please, try to redo at least the repetitive scenes at home. Adding orgasms would be the icing on the cake.

    Final score using weighted average:4.5

    I'll give it 4 stars, and I'll be happy to change them in the future, perhaps when the game is completed.

  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Le Dude

    SUBJECT: Desert Stalker is a fun ride for post-apocalypse enthusiasts

    I was not expecting to have as much fun as I had.

    You are the Stalker of a falloutesque kingdom built over the sands and ashes of what was modern Egypt.

    Very rarely do I ever feel the need to give a review to a porn game, but just like a couple other games I could mention, I will say this one really set itself apart.

    This was not just a generic suck and fuckfest at your palace in the desert...this world and the new world order that you are apart of is really fleshed out.

    Modern morals go out the window as you find yourself in a world with a different understanding about human interaction.

    Masters, slaves, and a bunch of people somewhere in-between.

    The big pros to this game are:

    1. The world building aspect, again, really fleshed out and you can become easily immersed into the setting.
    2. The characters are well thought out, each with their own motives and the way they interact with you the protagonist.
    3. If you love HAREM games, then this one is a definite must add to your casual porn going experience.
    4. Definitely some fun for the fetishists out there that enjoy taboos, including the master/slave (or servant) dynamic.
    5. The choices actually feel like they matter.
    6. The gal designs in this game are alluring to say the least.
    7. Interesting creative choices with environment interaction (radio), kind of hope they expand on this in future games.
    8. The dialogue seems very well fleshed out and there are tons of scenes in this game, like TONS, even though it is not complete.


    1. The game is incomplete, would love to see finished product.
    2. Which we could revisit old scenes or places we have already been, but can't. That in a way detracts from the stronger world setting aspects.
    3. Being a Ren'py type game you can see the limitations of the system, I think a concept like this would be really better applied to a Fallout/Skyrim type platform.

    With that being said the pros far outweigh the cons, and you can tell the Dev really cares for their craft (also good at fulfilling desires). So much so I found myself not worrying as much about the porn aspects of the game and really enjoyed the immersion into the world building aspects of the game.

    Hope this game is expanded upon more, and we see more work from this Dev.

    Also, as a side note: no idea who Omar is, but he must have really pissed off the Dev in real life LOL.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Top tier game. This game really draws you in from the beginning with its unique setting and visuals. Combine that with a great story and you're in for an adventure. I can honestly say this is one of the best adult games I've ever played. And if that wasn't enough, there are even daughters to have fun with included. 12 out of 10!!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of if not the best VN I have played, I am not a big fan of the genre, but this was a pleasant surprise. Had a lot of content as of 0.13c and some good scenes. The story is not bad at all either, multiple decent plots for a porn game.

    I would say this is in the must play for anyone looking for a game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the thing I like the most about this game is it doesn't reward you more for being good, or bad, but being what the situation calls for.

    In a cruel world you can't just be Chad walking in flexing your muscles and getting one you want along the way. You need to get dirty to get dirty with the dirty, and you need to be good, to those that need that. If you are good people will take advantage, if you are bad people will leave or die.. Be better be both. Walking either one of those alone you will miss a lot but do both experience a lot, most of it fits the setting and to me ideal. It's almost never done, and even less often well, and I love this game for that.

    Without the darkness there is no light - lots of people
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Best brunettes in all of gaming. Really hot models and scenes. None of the scenes feel formulaic or forced because they're entirely driven by the characters and their motivations--even if most everyone is obsessed with sex.

    The story is very compelling as well. Feels like a mesh of Mad Max and Fallout New Vegas. One of my favorite sections is when Shani ventures to the zone, and we get to focus exploration and various side-stories. She easily becomes the most developed character in the story. I just wish we continue with her throughout.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is honestly fantastic. The story is really cool and the world is interesting. The MC actually feels like a man and someone who would actually get pussy. The graphics are fantastic. Models look great. Backgrounds look great. Scenes are great. Girls are hot. This game is worth your time. This dev deserves your support. Can't wait for more.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Pros: Great graphics, great story, convincing world, pretty characters, long and hot sex scenes, a lot of fetishes. Great music, sound effects and animations, overall style and design. There are a lot of choices and it looks like they DO matter. NTR is avoidable/optional.

    Cons: Dialogues are sometimes quite meaningless and long, without adding much value to the game. Example: A spinning wind turbine in the hot sun video with a text description: "The air is dry, sun is warm, but not as stinging like back in the desert". Some cutscenes are good, some not that much, but you could easily replace them with a single static frame. Navigation can be simplified by reducing the clicks you need to get somewhere by atleast -1. It does not sound a lot, but for a such a long game it adds up, especially on repetitive tasks. Darkness is a big downside of the nice graphics. There are a lot of poorly lit scenes in which you can barely see what's going on. So the developer spent time on something nobody will see and it also causes players to skip and break their immersion. This can easily be fixed by adding moon light, fire light, a lamp, torch... anything.

    To the inspirations which led to this game I would add: Assasin's Creed and Mad Max.
    Even if you do not like this game, keep in mind it is a very high-quality product.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has everything , never boring , like a good tv serie it needs to be continued . Because it can evolve in every direction . The story is getting better and better , while the creators are getting more and more skilled .
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is what Adult games were made for. Absolutely exotic game.
    Everything from the visuals, the lore, the characters, the dialogue to even the music just fits this fallout in arabia vibe so well.
    Excellent writing, tons of choices, good gameplay system in place, character depth and just pure exotic atmosphere on top of it. I can't wait to explore more of this world and these characters that Zetan has made. Wonderful job. One of my favorite games already.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Visually, Desert Stalker is a work of art. The attention to detail in every aspect of the game is astonishing. The environments are stunning, each with its own distinct atmosphere. Character models are exquisitely crafted, with facial expressions that add depth to the storytelling. The graphical fidelity and visual effects elevate the immersion, creating a world that feels alive and vibrant. The narrative is richly layered, with well-developed characters. The player's choices have a wide variety of variations. Desert Stalker is a game that have the potential to be greater than now. With the direction that's holding now, things should only get better.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    My rating for Desert Stalker
    Desert Stalker is set in the post-apocalypse and ancient Egyptian empire, inspired by Fallout and S.t.a.l.k.e.r. The rendering is excellent, the characters are unique and very attractive. The storyline is exciting and does not get boring. The game itself is very easy to play. Also, there are a lot of choices. Also interesting are the good cutscenes / death scenes that you can't skip, but they don't bother me. I enjoy watching them. For me, one of the best here on F95. I'm love it!

    I absolutely recommend it in any case.

    I think the developer has done a very good job so far and I hope it stays that way. Good luck and all the best.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Played earliest and recent releases (0.13c), the level of animated detail, constant pace and action, the soundtrack, the story, this is a true masterpiece and I hope to see the updates keep coming. Worth your time
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    To start off I should point out that I don’t like sci-fi and VNs in general either. This game is something else tho...


    There was never a game, where I would read everything slowly to absorb everything what writer is about to say, in this case sometimes I re-read that text twice to get the real meaning of it. (english is not my mother language). Couldn’t even believe how I got so absorbed in this fictional world. Story is top notch.

    Your choices have big impact on the world around you and you can get locked out permanently of many paths, if you choose "wrongly". That’s another huge thing I like about this game. Since usually in VNs your choices and actions have little to no impact or consequences at all. So you better choose wisely.

    Renders are top notch as well, very original and amazingly looking.

    Audio is awesome and well suited for scenarios you will find yourself in.

    Since I don’t like VNs much, I really appreciate when they are at least in sandbox format, where I can click on events in order I want to, advance stories which I’m interested in the most at that moment and sometimes repeat the ones which I would like to revisit. This hurt this game however, since not all events are well thought out and sometimes you will find MC talking about things which haven’t been done yet or other characters talking about events which they want to do, but have been done already. Devs will have to look into this issue more deeply and judging by quality of this game, it will be dealt with in a future imo.

    Animations aren’t top tier. Some aren’t very good (too robotic, not natural looking at all) and some are good enough. This at least for me isn’t much of an issue, since it can be easily overlooked by the rest of this stunningly looking game. Having some well done animations would be nice tho and could bring this game to even higher level.


    There aren’t any really at least for me except things I mentioned about sandbox and animations, which aren’t that big of a deal for me personally.


    5* is more than deserved in this case. This is easily in TOP 3 games on this site for me. Can’t wait what future updates will bring.