Ren'Py - Desert Stalker [v0.16c] [Zetan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Sometimes, really sometimes you find that diamond in the rough.
    this is one of those diamonds for me.

    This game has an engaging story, great renders and ticks nearly all my boxes, at least as far as I've played the game.

    It short of perfect for me.

    I've had only 2 games giving me this level of engangement so far. I gladly welcome number 3. You've found yourself a new patron.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Story 5/5
    I loved the story for the most part, MC is for once a cool dude with a more grown up mindset compared to so many other games which is a joy to see and read.

    Theres a bit to much lesbian action for my taste and i mean the ones MC is not taking part in, not really a fan of watching others fuck lesbians or not, i do enjoy it when MC is part of it though.

    Also in this game all girls and i do mean all girls are atleast BI which i also find idiotic and i dident really enjoy seeing MCs wife coming on to girls without MC and without MC even had a chance with the girl first, like the wife did with Kat or when the wife has sex with the daughters without MC there, i got sharing turned off as well but it dosent seem to matter much since you still see scenes like that.

    i did love how much action there is in this game and not taking about the sex part but the fighting and such it really adds alot to the game, to give you an idea of what to expect, cutting someones head off to then talk and kiss it is just one of the things in the game.

    For the virgin/deflower fans its both good and bad, one girl shows blood when breaking her hymen, next one (Kat) has 0 blood and cums from MC breaking her hymen?? i guess thats ok but 0 blood in a game like this is a bit stupid, maybe they forgot i dunno, a 3rd one also shows blood so its mostly good virgin/deflower scenes.

    There are a few bugs like sleeping with Shani option pops up when you havent had sex with her which it shouldent since if you do click it you can then have sex with her and she will say "just like last time" but theres never been a first and she should still be a virgin.

    Girls 3/5
    When it comes to the girls their faces looks damn nice, but the diversity in builds leaves alot to be desired, game has full focus on big tit fetish which just isent my thing, its only a turn-off to me personaly and i wish they would make it more even so theres something for all to like instend of just focusing on a single fetish.
    There are a few with smaller tits but they are more side-girls then anything else, all the mains are either big or huge saggy tits and while i love the youngest daughters face i truely hate that they ruined her with those tits, it makes her look idiotic small girl with huge saggy tits which would ruin her back, iam supprised she can even stand up-right, but like i said it comes down to personal taste and that stuff just dosent do it for me.

    Animations 4/5
    They are pretty good and some has multiple positions.

    Music/Effects 4/5
    Its not great music but it still suits the game and the effects are good.

    Choices 5/5
    There are alot of choices and most of them matters and some can have a big effect on content as well.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I recently reached the end of Desert Stalker's content, and it left me with a bittersweet feeling.

    Bitter, because it means there's nothing left to do besides playing with Raiders, and sweet because the amount of quality I experienced was immense. In a lot of these VN type games I skip through the supposed "story", but the feel and the ambiance of this post apocalyptic Egypt kept me immersed as one can be in a porn game.

    I do have some minor niggles and complaints, though. I understand that the "Zetans" have embraced a full 'Ancient Egyptian' aesthetic, but at times it can be a bit jarring to go from Ancient Egypt to ruined city streets and combat boots. I would have liked to see more of a mixture of both, but then I know the dev team was probably limited by the resources they had access to. I know that HS2 users have a similar problem when they want to introduce something 'new' to their games.

    Related to the above, the main character walks around Egypt with a bald head, without any head protection at all. This drives me absolutely insane. Maybe you don't want to give him a hat or a turban, but even just a coat with a hood might work.

    At some point in the story(very early on actually) you encounter an Elf, and I chose to trade my valuable treasure for her. As soon as you get her home, she escapes when nobody is looking. And spoiler alert,
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    It is my hope that eventually in a future update, we can right the wrong she committed by evading her lawful captivity. Maybe she'll be a little glum about it, but well, these things happen.

    And my final minor complaint is a technical one. There were several points where it showed 'quest markers' in various points of the map, like for example, it would show a 'quest marker' in my wife or my daughter's bedroom, but upon going there it would just be the standard dialogue. But more than that, there was quite a substantial bug with out journal in the library. I couldn't find any way to scroll up or down. So as you meet more people, you develop a list of different people you have met, and other notable things. But that list would continue 'off the page' for me, so there was quite a bit of research I couldn't do. This is a beta so these things are to be expected, but I would very much enjoy a way to read my entries in the future.


    Finally, some of my personal hopes about things we can see. I wouldn't call these requests as I'm sure development is currently underway, and I also trust the creative vision of whoever is at the helm. This is just me talking out loud, as it were.

    The dungeon in our house is where we keep occasional prisoners, or brand new slaves. But it is also where we can give discipline. At some point in the story,
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    I would love if we could utilize this function more often. There are three different girls in my household at the start, with more depending on the choices you make, it would be wonderful to get regular use out of that paddle.

    Also, the general tone. There is a very grim sounding warning at the start talking about the nature of consent, and assuring the player that every girl in this story is "consenting despite how it may seem". This got me excited, but in playing the game, you can see every character's enthusiastic excitement from a mile away, to the point where I'm not even sure what the initial warning was for. Maybe earlier players saw bondage apparatus and get confused. But in any case, as a player who almost always chose the 'mean' options, I would love if the lines got a bit blurrier from time to time. Maybe you don't want to show really dark stuff, but I'd be ok with a girl just being left in a 'daze' looking at the ceiling from time to time. But, that's just me talking, and I might very well be in the minority here.


    All in all, this game gets ten stars even if the rating system only shows half of that. You truly made something special, and I'm eagerly waiting to see where you go from here.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Girls are good looking; main lore of the universe is interesting although already seen everywhre in post-apocalyptic tales.

    What is mainly destroying my interest is the sandbox aspect of the game and the pace of the story (two things which go in hands i think). Since you have to click everywhere to start each "part" of main/side story(ies), it feels a chore to play more of it.

    Also, since it's sandbox, I feel that too much (girl) characters appear (to be fucked by MC of course) and it feels like the game will drag itself well beyond what the story should have as a good duration; it is of course bad for the rythmn of the story.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn't sure I was going to get into this at first. Post-apocalyptic future with an ancient Egyptian vibe? I was wondering if the dev just had some art assets he was trying to lever in... I'm glad I stuck with it though because it's a really good game. It embraces plenty of post apocalypse tropes (zombies, mutants, old technology waiting to be discovered, Mad Max style raiders, etc, etc) but still feels very original. The ancient Egyptian thing works in context and helps build a beautifully imagined world and a sexualised culture to explain... well, all the sex.

    The art and animations are very well done (although I'm not sure if it's deliberate that even some of the non-mutant characters with normal eye colours have pretty unnatural eyes). Quite a few of the women have balloon breasts which isn't my thing, but that's just a matter of taste.

    The story is great, and those visuals are backed by the strong use of music and sound. It's full of atmosphere, veering at times into the gruesome and the downright creepy. Without any spoilers, there is one story arc involving a character venturing into the obligatory strange contaminated zone that is an effective spine-tingling ghost story full of weirdness and menace.

    I'm really enjoying it - looking forward to the updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The best story, the best location, the best models, the best incest plot and bonds. This game is a masterpiece. I'm really into incest game, so i really appreciate the story between the mc and his daughters and his niece. They are incredible, especially the niece. I hope Zetan can continue like this until the end of the game and i really hope for another game. Zetan is GOAT
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, I had a lot of fun playing the game, the story is strong, characters are good, one of the games where I don't press skip. The characters are pretty developed, the setting itself is unique. The animation is far-far better than 90% of the h-games.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game and really good story ideas. Love both daughter characters. The wife is something all wives should be; loyal, hot, and horny. Keep these updates coming. One of the rare games that I look for updates on religiously. Nice job!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried and failed to get into this title a couple times. For me, the early game sandbox and relatively average H content in the opening moments of the game wasn't enough to hook me.

    But man am I glad I stuck with it this time. Everything you could want in an AVN is here. Personally, I struggle to get into the happy-go-lucky highschool harem settings that are so popular on the site. So this, with its beautifully crafted gritty aesthetic, hits the spot.

    That's not to say you can't enjoy this game as a vanilla enjoyer; I see and respect you. While dubcon and arguably non-con certainly exists in this title, there are multiple options for a more loving and caring relationship with the LIs.

    As far as I can tell, you also have the option of whether or not to pursue them at all. The only "forced" romance is that of your wife, Zahra. And I say "forced" in airquotes because holy fuck is she SMOKING.

    TLDR; a must play for incest harem lovers, but there's something for everyone if the setting isn't too gritty for you.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    hata hivora

    Sorry in advance, I don't speak English well. the game is just a bomb. I've been sitting in it for 3 days. I like everything about her. from the musical composition to the overall plot. From the very first scene the chase began for me, with perfect music. I got ecstas. and this feeling still doesn’t leave me. I worry about any character who treats me positively. I try not to let anyone get into trouble. But I am immediately ready to kill anyone who is going to hurt me or anyone from my family. In the current situation, I can only thank you by text, but I believe when everything gets better for me, I will be able to do it financially. Thank you for all the work and diligence that you bring to this adventure. Thank you man for making such a masterpiece<3
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic! An amazing and unique story, some of the best looking characters I've ever seen, and updates that keep bringing new great sections. 10/10

    This is easily in my top 3 nukige-level (but with amazing story) VNs of all time, and I've played quite a few.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    AVN with a partial sandbox element. This AVN has an interesting setting and story. As far as post-apocolyptic setting pieces go, this is probably my favorite. The models are extremely sexy, renders are very high quality, and the animations are great. The LIs just ooze sex appeal. The sandbox element allows for lots of replay of scenes, but it also leaves you with quest-line focused development. Overall, it's a fantastic AVN and highly recommended.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    So now I have to express my opinion here I've already played a lot of games on the N95! But this one is as different as all the others. Without exaggeration, the "most interesting, most unusual and best" game of all time! Everything included! Super great Great work Zetan! I think I'm getting close to the end and it could go on like this for weeks!!!! Unfortunately, since you can't get more than 5 stars, you only get 5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Remarkably good writing, setup, plot, scenes, renders, world-building. (There is even an actual Tarkovsky quote from Stalker!)
    Hard to write a long review, since I frankly have no criticisms.

    Although, can I be controversial and say: Zahra is kind of boring? Every other female has some kind of interesting conflict that makes your relationship with them interesting... but Zahra is "perfect wife".
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This didn’t click for me at all.


    - Women - The women are all hot and there's a focus on middle eastern women. It was nice to see some variety rather than the same white women you tend to see game from game with minor alterations.

    - Setting - Post apocalyptic mad max Egypt. Yeah, you ain't seeing that often and just as cool an idea as it sounds. If anything I wished the game had leaned harder into it.

    - Interface, game design- The game is well designed and manages to not be incredibly annoying during the sandbox moments. There was never a moment I didn't know what I was meant to do or didn't know where to click. Yeah the dev actually managed a game with sandbox that is bearable, deserves some sort of porn medal for that.

    - Violence - A dev that understands we're all adults and can deal with fights and violence. One of the best parts of the game.


    - Choice - For a choice based game it felt like an awful lot of that choice boils down to treat woman as slave yay or nay, share woman yay or nay, character is removed yay or nay. The former two isn’t choice it’s a kink toggle surrounded by unnecessary dialogue the former is pointless it’s a choice between content or no content. Most of the choices ultimately felt they boiled down to that. It's fucking boring, a toggle menu at the start could've handled half the choice.

    - Power fantasy - Half the porn games I've ever played lean into your an awesome powerful dangerous dude packing a continent cracker down there. This does as well but it fell flat for me. He basically has a handful of women but 1 is his wife, two sprung from his balls and there's potentially slave dynamics with others. He's not doing anything I've not seem some skinny crackhead gollum like MC do except there's a lot more bullshit on top here. It feels very much like a movie with a middle aged action hero trying to show how cool and powerful he is but it ends up just coming across as sad. If you can get your dick up without blue pills don't think the MC will particularly wow you.

    - Scenes - Outside the dominance angle they're...yeah they're shit. I was expecting far better.

    - Renders - Honestly more mixed than a negative. I can't think of a single scene or moment where I looked at it and went wow or thought that looks beautiful. Same for any moment where it was rendered to enhance the scenes emotions or impact. It's all pretty standard visually. There's not much point having quality assets if you don't actually use them well.


    I would still recommend playing it if you're interested as I'm clearly an outlier. But ultimately it fell completely flat for me it felt like I wasn't making any real choices and my MC was a loser baldy. I feel it started well and then I felt like I was playing something no different than every other incest game I've ever played with a bonus bit of violence thrown in.

    TLDR Mcbaldy Mccool wanders desert playing to ntr, slave or not.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5389512

    Gets you hornier than a priest in a daycare (this is the ULTIMATE porn game).

    - Makes you feel like a powerful badass harem lord
    - You get to really like the characters
    - Each sex scene feels unique and special
    - Unhingedly kinky as hell:
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  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best game I’ve ever played on this site.
    Love the dynamic of the family. The wife and the daughters are some of the hottest characters in any game in looks and writing.
    The power dynamic is also great.
    The setting of post apocalyptic Egypt is amazing and unique. I especially love it as an Egyptian.
    I even love the sharing aspects in this game which I previously had no interest in.
    I hope this game never ends.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Juicy Blueberry


    Fantastic graphic
    Exciting and extraordinary story
    Different but attractive females
    Sexy and passionate lewd content
    No grind for a sandbox game
    A lot of freedom

    For 0.14d version, there is too little content with the queen.

    For other high quality games I played, I would probably say those are "one of the best adult games I played". But for this one, it is definitely the BEST game ever!. It just perfectly matches up with my fetishes: dark fantasy, powerful mc, harem, slavery, bdsm. Even the game is still at this early stage, it already has a lot of high quality contents. The plot and gameplay are well designed as well.

    Love the desert setting as well as the humiliation stuff. The plot is very interesting and contains funny, cruel, sexy, adventurous stories that make me continue playing. So far as I played, there are two characters you can control: the Stalker and his stepdaughter Shani. The play style (plots) also varied, I would describe the Stalker route as a mix of blood and sexual fantasy, you play a cool badass dude that conquer and ravish women. For Shani's route, I think is more focused on friendship, horror, and adventure (maybe)? You have to play more carefully as Shani is not as powerful as the Stalker, so some choice may led to game over.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    For now, it is one of the best games

    Great visuals
    Lots of different girls
    Great plot
    Regular updates
    Great support from previous saves
    No grind or pointless clicking

    The last updates became a little shorter on gameplay than the previous one.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This has to be one of the best adult games I've played. Deserves 5 stars.

    Characters: Pretty good characters overall, Zahra is just perfect... Give us more of her please!

    Story: Mad max(ish) style, I like it. The future of mankind if we make some pretty bad choices considering our planet...

    Graphics: Nothing to point out here, the girls look pretty hot and that's all I need!

    Only bad thing I can point is having to wait more for the rest of the game. But all that is good takes time.