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VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Elvensang [Ep. 5] [Worlaix]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Elvensang is one of the stories I follow with the most interest. The main reason for this is the attention to detail, especially when it comes to character portrayal and lore. I also really like the renders and art and that would be my only criticism so far (episode 3), it would be great if the individual scenes had more renders. That doesn't always bother me. But sometimes a bit of atmosphere is lost because the visual background is missing.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not even joking when I stayed for the plot; the writing is great and the characters, situations, illustrations, and music were great!

    This is one of those games where it's like, yeah okay there's some hot illustrations and scenes, but the story is really where it's at.
    Good lord, play this if you're still on the fence about it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: Ep. 3
    Time played: About 4 hours. Reached end of build.

    Although the dev makes it perfectly clear here in the first post, this game's focus in not the sexual content, nor is there much of it at this stage (from the choices I made, I saw two people that were neither me or an LI going at it and then a pair of fat tiddies). What is here though is a fantastic story and complex, developing characters. While at first blush, the setting is nothing new, the writer's dedication to said story and characters makes it stand out even amidst the growing amount of quality fantasy games with original art.

    + Deep time, effort and care put into the lore, characters and story
    + Writing is generally of very high caliber and is a joy to read -- you will become invested in the story and characters
    + Original art...

    - ...that is sadly a bit generic and amateurish. I enjoyed it, but ymmv.
    - Barely any sexual content. Not a negative per se, but well, we're here for a reason...

    To speak to both negative points, I don't mean to be overly harsh on the art, but there's actually quite a bit of art in the same style and genre that's much better. While what's here isn't bad, it doesn't really measure up to its peers. I guess "serviceable" is a good word to use. That said, I do find all of the ladies attractive and am looking forward to the spicier bits as they come.

    To the second part, this is going to be the make or break for a lot of people (at least at this stage). I think if you are interested in the lore and story, or indeed any kind of deeper storytelling in adult games, then this game is practically a must play. If you value the narrative very little in these games beyond being the mere backdrop to poundtown, I don't think that this one will be for you.

    Note to devs: I filled out your survey on Google Docs; thanks for this great project and giving us players a chance to voice our thoughts directly to you.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Phenominal writing, a REAL story that leaves me wanting more. As I am a major fan of hand drawn art, this game gets anothewr plus for the wonderful characters. On the subject of characters - they are believable in a way we seldom see in these games.

    I also find the choices presented to be refreshing. They actually make you think, and there aren't obvious 'correct' answers.

    Keep it up, I'll be waiting for the story to unfold and see where Worlaix takes us on this fascinating journey.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 if you like solid writing and world building.

    2/5 if you're just here for porn, because as of me writing this, there is like 3 cgs and no full scenes yet.

    I like the story, and think the game has a lot of potential so I'm going with the former.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid visual novel with lots of world building (sometimes, maybe too much) and story of the life of the MC across a Ruthless medievale fantasy world. It is a slow burn worth reading but be aware that the main focus is not sex, but ride of misadventures of a young boy to a man (well, teen at the moment) foreshadowing to a bigger plot.

    With 3 Episodes (as the moment of the review) you have a pretty hefty content at the moment, not counting the different paths your choices can take you.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic story so far. The writing reads really well and keeps you engaged and immersed in the world throughout. The artstyle is also excellent and unique, if a little bit inconsistent. Choices also make a real impact on what scenes you get and the character you develop.

    Only real weakness is that there's only about 3~ hours of content in here or so, and there isn't really any sexual content so far. You're really just here for the story as of right now.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good story/writing, but at the end of the day it's not good porn. It plays like a text adventure with some illustrations and some branching choices, if that is what you are looking for this game is great (specially in the future when the story is more flashed out).

    *Inc patch as of Ep. 3 consists of 3 images.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing writing, character development, worldbuilding, art, music and many choices to approach the story in different ways... It's lacking on the "fun" stuff for now but I like the slow burn and the game is just like reading a very good book but with images and choices, I love it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent fantasy VN with a significant amount of story content by 0.3.

    Light on adult content so far, mostly providing eroticism, building relationships and tension ... even handholding! One relationship is forced on the MC. It's integral to the story and doesn't bother me but probably some people would like having a choice.

    The game has lots of worldbuilding and character driven interactions with good dialogue. There are numerous roleplaying choices with different outcomes, so it's worth trying out different options.

    As of 0.3 it's a small scale story and the MC is small scale, too. Get in a fight with a couple villagers and you might lose or make enemies ... but maybe it's worth it depending on who you want your character to be and how it will change relationships.

    The story has events in motion to expand the scale, but I like the game taking its time.

    The game has custom art and no animations. Perhaps not THE BEST art, but I like it and it helps the game stand out as something different.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    -The art of the game is very unique, maybe i'm mistaken but i think it's hand made, even though it's not it looks great either way.
    -The story is interesting and never seen anything like it before.
    -The dialogue is top notch and describes everything with great detail
    -The characters have well written unique personalities which makes space for character development.
    -The protagonist isn't a Gary Stew or weak willed and it has it's flaws and advantages which makes him more unique

    In general, one of my favorite games that i will look forward to follow.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Witcher-tier worlbuilding and excellent characterization quickly made this novel one of my favourites.

    If you're looking for a story that pulls you in and makes you invested you will love this one.

    The artstyle is beautiful, and captures the feelings the text portrays, and it just oozes quality throughout.

    I stopped reading when I got sleepy because I was worried I might not be able to fully appreciate everything unless I paid enough attention.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique and exceptional game. I totally agree with the other reviewers that it is amazing. The good plot and the world building is something you rarely meet in this kind of games. So are the characters. They are very nice and interesting. Wanna add that there is one of the best mom figures so far. You can feel her tenderness and care through the monitor.

    Really like the pace of eroticism also. And yeah it's really hot
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastically written game with interesting and diverse characters, an intriguing world and a plot that has me seriously anticipating the next update.

    One of my favourite things about this game so far is the feeling that there is always more to the characters than meets the eye. The intelligent and captivating writing makes one suspect certain things without always outright saying them. The complexity and moral greyness of the world and characters reminds me of The Witcher 3. I mean that with the utmost respect and adoration.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Anyone who likes story rich narrative or romance should give Elvensang their time and consider investing.

    General Pros:
    -Author is good at writing with sensory details. Sights, smells, textures ect. Sensations add good detail to the narrative and enhance the story-telling.
    -Author explores and acknowledges the character's emotions on a level much more tangible than most other Ren'py games. You will feel despair, sadness, anger, and love with great realism in this game.
    -Art is really pleasant- all the detail work on the characters clothing and the backgrounds adds to the setting
    -Pathing diversity based on player choice in the conversations is really nuanced.
    -Author is very, very good at capturing the nuanced affection b/t two people who have known each-other for a long time via narrative familiarity b/t the characters.
    -Reiteration of character traits and mannerisms conversation to conversation was great for character building (I.e. Anasteya constantly "Pursing her lips")
    -Musical score suited the theme with its somber piano melody.
    -Top notch banter

    Specific praise: (Mildly spoilery)
    -The dialogue in the diplomatic routes for haggling is really well done
    -The imprisonment narrative used to break up the MCs flashbacks was unique and interesting. Very good to use it as a nightmare post event as well ^_^.
    -Sunny being raised in an Orphanage where they called the head Mistress translating into how she refers to Anasteya is a nice detail
    -Using "songs" as a measurement of time was pretty cool; good world-building
    -intrigue narrative where Ealdorman and Anasteya discuss the implications of the aftermath of the event was quite good.
    -the potential racism / nuance in the Elven conceptualization of age was quite interesting
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Stringy Bob

    Enjoyble so far, strong and engaging plot with well written characters. Very well written for a visual novel IMO. I also feel it depicts of the moral ambiguities of a crapsack world well.

    I like the art, it the atmosphere of the setting well and gives it character. Probably better than going with 3D art with assets you recognise from other games would do.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    There's very little sex in this story rn so if that's what you're going for you'll be disappointed. Me however, I loved every second of this story and the characters are so fleshed out I actually enjoyed talking to them and progressing through the story :D
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This right here is a reminder as to why I love Visual Novels. The characters are so well written and the scenario had my heart racing with each click of my mouse. The choices help to flesh out the characters and help branch the narrative in meaningful ways. I really love the characters:love:.

    All in all I enjoyed this very very much and I don't want to say too much because I would like for you to enjoy this master piece on your own. But allow me to say that you are not ready for the ending of Chapter 1 part 1;)
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    Version reviewed: Chapter 1: Part I

    Positives ;)
    • it's a story game with actually nice writing (storytelling, dialogues, etc.)
    • choices and dialogue options are intelligent and feel meaningful; it's not "obvious" what you should do
    • Sunny is just lovely

    YMMV :unsure:
    • it's definitely not a quick titty game
    • it's kind of a big titty game

    Negatives :rolleyes:
    • I enjoyed the overall artstyle, but some of the later CGs felt a bit... off? (compared to the ones from the village or the title graphics)

    Even as of this version, it's a pretty long read, but it seems worth the time. Interested in where it goes from here.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's refreshing to find a game where the story takes the main stage rather than kinks and sex-scenes. The art is nice and differs from a lot of other games that uses the same models on rinse and repeat. There is lore sprinkled in, but in a way that doesn't make it overwhelming. The structure to the story is spot on and there is actual depth to the characters. I recommend this game to people that has grown bored of meaningless sex and wants a actual story. Keep up the great work, bud.