VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Elvensang [Ep. 5] [Worlaix]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing and the story is wonderful, the only problem i personally have is the MC being helpless and can't fend for himself and not taking active steps towards ensuring his safety and concealing his presence in public and also not taking active steps to make himself stronger as of yet. Which i hope will change with the story progression as he is aiming to go to deeper part of the forest with amaya to train.

    Other than that I love the story, love the characters , love the art ♥
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It´s not really a porn game. More like an erotic novel. Light erotic. Would be perfect to introduce your wife to porn games. But then... there´s no other game like it, so it would put you in a bind.

    I dont think some reviews make justice to this game. When we say it has a proper story we mean it has everything: background, lore, characters, motivations, secrets and so on.

    Honestly if the dev stops making this and writes a fantasy book, i´ll buy it.

    And when i said it was not porn, dont get me wrong: some scenes made me harder than 90% of the other games.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Considered giving this lower rating, but everything that is here is such high quality (5* components)... But its also never going to be finished, and if you remove two brief scenes would not even qualify as an adult visual novel.

    This is a story driven game, and a very well done story at that. If you are expecting a typical F95 game, there are 2 HJ scenes over several hours of content. Player choices also alter the story dramatically - to the point where the routes are so different that it is almost 2 different games (i.e. impedes story progression)

    Story wise, this game seems to just be exiting the beginning and entering the middle, which would put it on pace for a 10 year development cycle. The rate of development of this game has slowed dramatically though. Probably ~1/5 of the content in the game has been created over the past 2/3 of its time in development.

    It feels wrong giving this game 3* for how good the art, character development and writing is, but this is also a game where you know your not going to get the end of the story, for a story driven game, that is particularly important
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, the story is amazing, the characters are endearing and not over-inflated. It's more of a romance book than an eroge VN anyway, but with a spectacular and enchanting background. I wish to see more of it, and soon, alas, it's time to play the waiting game. I'll drink to this artisan's health! Hear Hear!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: Not many Hscenes - but characters and story are worth it
    Overall - 9/10
    Highly recommend - Interesting game that heavily delves into morals between races (elves and humans)
    Game isn't complete -> 4-5 hours gameplay? -> Still an amazing game
    Story + characters are interesting
    Story - 9/10

    Main theme - elves vs human (medieval times) -> MC is an elf that lives in a human environment that hates elves - daily life around morals -> siding with humans or elves
    Writing is amazing - pacing is on the slower side -> explains everything -> learn why elves hate humans vice versa - very interesting
    Sound - 9/10
    Mostly SFX - fire crackling, crickets -
    BGM - mostly medieval instrumentals
    SFX + BGM - are kept very simple to follow the themes of a simplistic era
    Renders - 10/10

    Beautiful - unique and great artwork
    Animations - n.a

    No animations just simple art
    Playability - 9/10

    Many choices - most dance around morals or relationships
    No lag
    Hscenes - not many - short and simple
    Not completed - kind of short - few hours of gameplay
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great and immersive story, the game leaves u gooning and teasing you for hours. But it's well worth playing it just for the story. Left me hoping the next update would release sooner rather than later
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Elvensang is a good story VN, but it's really not a 'good' porn VN. So if you're looking for yet another package of cliches and shitty kinks where every chick is a modern tinder whore caricature, you best look elsewhere.

    However i really appreciate what the author tried to do here by making a story and romance focused novel with a handful of sweet, interesting and lovable characters and their slowly growing relationships with protagonist, rather than a porn game first with the characters being annoying stereotypes. And as of now there isn't much sex scenes to begin with.

    The writing reminds me of some oldschool fantasy crpgs i've played and the world is a lot more fleshed out than i expected. There is 0 cringe in dialogues and the characters are mostly behave appropriately to the setting.

    The game is very linear, though there are some choices you can make along the way that will shape protagonist attitude towards humans as well as change some other details.

    It could however use some pace adjustment. For example main story goes forward in very small portions and slow fashion.

    I love the art even though it could do with some refinement here and there. And the music is really nice and sets the tone for the scenes.

    I would say definitely check it out if you're looking for something more romantic and not over the top fetish fuel. Very rare kind of VN around here.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't played a whole lot of AVNs yet (maybe 30?) but this one jump straight into my top 3.

    I'm a sucker for story driven VNs in a fantasy/dark fantasy setting with a solid world building and bits of lore delivered along the way. Elvensang hit that spot for me.

    As advised, the sex scenes are not exactly the core part of the experience, and you might consider them too few compared to most AVNs. They are there, just don't expect to bang any being you meet right away.

    The art can sometimes look slightly... odd? I kinda feel the mouth of some charaters is often placed a little too foreward on their face, and remind of an old cartoon "The Littles" .
    It already seems to be less of an issue as the art progress as the story unfold.
    So, well, all good to me :D

    It might be meaningless to some, but the musics fit the ambiance, to me.

    There are not many meaningful choices. Just enough, I would say, to feel you are making impactful choices.

    So here it is to me: a true hidden gem!

    Edit: bonus point for the Trisha scene when she lay her legs. Not much but good enough when that's your thing. Which is mine. Very much. The fantasy is real and well described :D
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    - Its a very well written story. I enjoyed reading about the elven lore and the hatred between the elves & humans. The writer does a good job to keep the reader interested.
    - The art style is very nice. Although there seems to be some variation between some CGs, some characters look different between scenes.
    - Amaya. Literally the best thing about this game. What a fucking badass.
    - The whole package is nicely presented in terms of sound effects, dialogues, and BGM as they match the tone of the game. Like the (sorta) jumpscare with the demon in the bedroom or when the music suddenly stops when you encounter something paranormal. The creator really put effort into setting the scene.

    - I don't like how you are forced into relationships. I found Sunny kinda annoying and the dev wanted to do the whole 'she is an innocent lil thing that you must do this slow burn romance with'. Maybe its just my personal preference as I'm a big fan of choices and I prefer strong female leads like Amaya rather than Sunny who is the exact opposite. But here's the problem, you are given a choice to romance Amaya, but then you have no choice with Sunny?
    - No matter what other character you like, you feel they come in a package with Sunny and you must share her/them with Sunny. So the game is kinda heading into this unavoidable harem situation and I feel its probably because the dev doesnt wanna deal with confusing renpy variables where she is removed from the equation or he cant narratively write his way out of it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Elvensang is an excellent VN, with quality writing and nice hand-drawn natural art.

    I liked the story most of all, the lore and world-building are of better depth and quality than most you would find here. I would definitely play (or read, more like) the game withtout any sexual content.
    The art looks a bit off sometimes, and mostly in the beginning, but it still has a tender and passionate look, I would say 'natural' hand brush style, which is rare and immersive.
    Characters are well written and choices and embranchments makes you consider that there is never a perfect path. The vanilla romance with Sunny is well written and perfectly brought up. She is to me the cutest thing ever.

    On the other hand, I feel like there is a lot of unnecessary dialogues. Lot of chit-chat dragging on without true purposes. Didn't kept me from reading though.
    The mc's relation with his mother is simply not my jam. Too much mama's boy situations, but all tastes are in the world I guess...
    Sometimes the story seems a bit off-track, but some parts are really well written and kept me busy for hours.

    Overall I love this game, it is way above average in regards of the writing and world building. It is very slow paced, and has too much dialogues, which could be seen as sometimes a little boring, but strangely didn't kept me from binge reading it...
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd like to start off by saying this is probably the best banner on F95. IMO. No matter what...when I see it in someones signature or it shows up under searches...I always stop to admire. That being said: this game/story doesn't leave a lot to be desired if you are intrigued enough by the banner.

    Story is original enough and your choices feel like they have weight to them. The dev is currently active. He is a Solo dev though. Patience must be exercised to some degree. It is a slow burn but the ball does get rolling. Do yourself a favor and give it a try.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It should speak volumes to the quality of writing on display here that this game, objectively bereft of sexual content (presently), reviews so well here on F95zone- the home of degeneracy. It truly is a testament to the writing. The art- while occasionally quite pretty- is fairly amateurish. The game systems are just the stock standard renpy VN affair. And thus it's the story that truly distinguishes itself. It's an intimate story about family and finding your place in a world that despises you. The characters are all written in a way that makes you eager to pull the strings that will unravel their inner selves. If you want a cute, mushy little romance story- rife with temptation around every corner- you can have that. If you want your own personal harem, filled with top-tier heroines, well you can't quite have that yet but the foundation is certainly there and quite fun to explore. And if you want something a touch more... degenerate, well there's this fantastic mod that some talented soul put together. And the accuracy with which this anonymous figure replicates the art and writing of the creator? Truly is astounding. Chefs kiss. Overall, this is a fantastic project that's a little bare bones at present but can easily end up becoming one of the greats after it's had a couple more years to cook.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont usually review any games but this game just had to get one.

    The game is probably one of the best out there, the characters are top notch, the story is compelling and it's clear that Worlaix put a lot of effort in world building, it even has a codex which is nice, the art is also very nicely done and music wise its very well fitted, the initial theme the game has is one if not the best instrumental pieces I've heard in a game, it's only downside is that the scenes don't have sounds, for me, a game that lacks sfx never gets anything above 3 no matter how good it is(which kinda shows how good the game is in itself) but other than that this is must try.

    this is for Worlaix if he reads these: More Anasteya please:)

    Do play this game!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Most immersing story I have played so far
    Low sexual content (which is + for me)
    Original setting and universe, or at least unknown for me, so I have a lot of fun learning about it as opposite to games set in already existing ones. Gives an incentive to not rush exposition.
    I will rewrite this later.

    Do play this game!
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Elvensang is such an incredibly boring, monotonous game.
    No sex, (almost) no nudity - so if your intention is self-satisfaction, forget it.
    The characters are a bit interesting, and the story isn't bad.
    However, the plot drags at the speed of a crippled snail, unnecessarily detailed and redundant.
    It is simply TOO MUCH text, absolutely unnecessary, often boring and pretentious; text in such quantity, and even with black screens (an evidently lazy work on the part of the developers), that I often felt cheated, as it seemed like I was being forced to read a (bad) book.
    And finally, the art is very simple, simplistic, even, with few details, uninspired and with strange incongruous visual variations from one scene to another.
    The game has some potential, but it is wasted because the developer apparently considers himself a modern Tolkien.
    Rating 1/10.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay, this is a promising game. The Art is interesting, the characters are well done and the background story and the dialogues are well written.

    But, at this stage, its basically erotic fantasy with sex scenes consisting of 2 hand jobs by the main LI. wait, and you grab the moms tits once.

    I mean, let's be honest, its a porn game, then it should have porn in it. I know I know, it is slowly building up which I usually enjoy. But it's a lot of dialogue with not much happening and a lot of teasing. Right now, for me it's not interesting, because it ends before getting even something you could call porn.

    I believe if the author keeps going at this rate, we might have completed status in 2026. Maybe then there will be tons of porn if the dev doesnt fall for the trap of adding more and more LIs without fleshing out the existing ones.

    Concetrate on the characters you already have and begin adding porn, then it's on the right website.

    Great art, good story, good characters. Basically no porn right now, so substracting 2 stars. Not sure if choices really have an impact on the overall game. they are looked upon in later dialogue, but I dont know if it changes the story.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This project leaves an extremely pleasant impression thanks to its sketch, plot and forks. Ideas associated with certain prejudices + elven beauties along with excellent drawing are a reason to keep an eye on this project.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed Episode 5]

    I always try to reward / appreciate VNs with bespoke art but I find myself wanting to like this game more than I do. There's a lot of positives here, including the characters -- but the story is both cliche and burdensome, going in slow circles. I will continue following this but will hope the dev can more consistently meet the heights the game sometimes achieves.

    The Good ((y))
    • Enjoyable art style evoking classic fantasy
    • Great buildup and sexual tension in the relationships
    • Cute, likeable main love interest
    • Lots of story content
    • Many suggestions of branching options with side love interests in the future
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • Some of the story is deeper / better conceived than other parts -- your mileage may vary
    • Not a lot of actual H-scenes so far in the story
    • Same art used for majority of scenes with little changes
    • Slow updates from dev
    There's definitely something here, but between the slow updates and the grindy story, I'm not expecting the final product can achieve the game's potential.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. I started it not thinking it would be nothing special. Then I looked up and it was hours later. I noticed good use of conflict in storytelling. Characters have wants and those desires clash. For example, with Sunny's apprentice arc. That's storytelling that's captivating.

    Going around and making friends and influencing them later to help you achieve tasks is a compelling gameplay loop. The inclusion of lies even if non- consequential and linear is good. It does a good job of putting you into another world. I'm not sure that world is particularly interesting though they did craft some interesting scenarios. There are some cool narrative threads as well such as the black mirror. Which makes me want to check in once it's finished.

    It oozes character. This game has a main character that I find myself rooting for. He wants to do right and that is used to great effect. My favorite is Trisha. She is a wonderful study on internal contradictions. Her being of elevated status, yet percieving difference in abundance rather than lack of it. Born in a rival kingdom so there should be tension there, but she really just wants friends. Having that sophisticated mask over her lurid gaze. Claimng to not want to marry but desperately being hot in the pants for you makes for a compelling read. It feels very human.

    I like the shading, color, and softness. It feels very homely. However, the weakest part is the drawing. Some of these drawings are flat out bad. And almost all of the drawings are a tad off. That said, if you can, ignore bad drawings you'll find the writing more than makes up for it. The NPCs in particular look terrible. The drawings are very close to being good. The artists just need more practice and that will come with time. Keep that in mind before jumping in. The artist should focus on learning anatomy, perspective, and drawing consistency in the future. While amping their strengths color and vibe.

    I'm so used to harem stories meaning minimal effort and concern. This is a passion project, and you can feel it and it's compelling despite the shortcomings of poor drawing and consequences of learning as you go. I am glad they did though. There is a lot of potential in the dev, Worlaix. I'm rooting for them all the way.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    It is abundantly clear that the writer loves the setting he has created for this game, though I suspect the writer fell into the trap of believing his first TTRPG setting is far better than it actually is. It is also abundantly clear that the writer isn't particularly good at writing dialogue, or pacing a story, or writing a love story, or giving the reader any sort of payoff, in the form of actual porn or even just dialogue, or anything regarding the growing sexual tension between the MC and the women around him. It is very unfortunate that the setting is quite bland. Were it a setting for a tabletop game or even if there was more of a game here this could be forgiven in spite of everything else wrong with it.

    The art is fine, if nothing special, but there is almost none anyway so it really doesn't matter.

    The story on the whole is bland, and despite selling itself on moral greyness and difficult choices there is little divergence between paths except for minor dialogue changes. The characters tend to have shockingly little personality for how much they drone on and on in conversation. The writer has even gone so far as to include a glossary which exposits on the setting and yet still at least half the dialogue is expository, further reinforcing my idea that this was the writer's D&D setting prior to being made into a game.

    My advice to anyone reading this is to look elsewhere for their fantasy fiction.
    Want another story about an outcast elf in a bland fantasy setting? Read the 40 Drizzt Do'Urden novels that R.A. Salvatore wrote for the Forgotten Realms.
    Want more generic fantasy schlock? Check the fantasy section of the local secondhand book shop.
    Want generic fantasy smut? Check the fantasy tag on literotica
    Want generic fantasy pornographic art? Look at a booru
    Any of those options is near guaranteed to be less boring or more arousing than playing Elvensang.